Letters of Support, Comments for 2017 Recertification
- AEDC – Anchorage Economic Development Corporation
- AK Rep. Gary Knopp
- AK Rep. Louise Stutes
- AK Rep. Mike Chenault
- AK Rep. Paul Seaton
- AK Sen. Cathy Giessel
- Alaska Chamber of Commerce
- Alaska Dept. of Environmental Conservation – Commissioner
- Alaska Oil & Gas Conservation Commission
- Alaska Sealife Center
- City of Kenai
- City of Kodiak
- Cook Inlet Aquaculture Association
- Cook Inlet Spill Prevention & Response
- Cook InletKeeper
- DOI – Bureau of Ocean Energy Management OCS
- Glacier
- Governor Bill Walker
- Hilcorp Alaska
- Homer Port & Harbor
- James Junker, MD
- Kenai Peninsula Borough OEM
- Kenai Peninsula Borough
- Kenai Peninsula Builders Association
- Kinnetic laboratories
- Koniag, Inc.
- Kenai Peninsula Economic Development District
- Mote Marine Laboratory
- Municipality of Anchorage
- Native Village of Eklutna
- NOAA – National Weather Service
- Payne Environmental Consultants
- Port of Anchorage
- Prince William Sound RCAC
- Prince William Sound Science Center
- Southwest Alaska Pilots Association
- Tesoro Maritime
- United Cook Inlet Drift Association
- United Fishermen of Alaska
- US Senator Lisa Murkowski
- US Senator Dan Sullivan