Cook Inlet Regional Citizens Advisory Council
Created by Congress under the Oil Pollution Act of 1990, CIRCAC serves as a formal mechanism for public participation in the oversight of Cook Inlet’s oil industry.
We have developed a reputation for unbiased research and monitoring. We have an established track record of building strong partnerships to advance projects and initiatives, many of which have grown to be of statewide significance. Because of our efforts, Cook Inlet’s stakeholders have been well-represented in decisions affecting safe operations, production, exploration, and transportation of crude oil.
Since the start of our organization, it has been our strategy to understand what natural resources are at risk, what and where the greatest risks are, and how we can prevent and mitigate those risks from oil industry operations in Cook Inlet.
CIRCAC has received U.S. Coast Guard recertification without exception since 1991, a testament to our organization’s effectiveness in fulfilling our Congressional mandates. Recertification is an affirmation of the work of countless volunteer board and committee members and professional staff who have committed time and expertise to make the RCAC model work to its full potential.
Largely due to CIRCAC’s efforts, we can say that we know significantly more about Cook Inlet than we did in 1990. CIRCAC is putting this knowledge to work for Cook Inlet’s natural and wildlife resources, and for the people who live, work, and play here. We have been, and will continue to be, an effective voice for citizens as long as oil is moved, produced, or discovered in Cook Inlet’s waters.