Recertification application open for comments
Each year, CIRCAC undergoes a formal review for recertification by the U.S. Coast Guard. The review ensures we’re meeting our obligations under OPA 90 and properly serving the communities in which we work. This year, the U.S. Coast Guard will conduct its triennial review; a more in depth accounting of CIRCAC’s work and process in satisfying OPA 90. In its 30 year history, CIRCAC has been given recertification each time it has applied, 28 in total. You can view the 2020 application here.
Comments from the public are encouraged for this review, and you can make your comments through the Federal eRulemaking Portal by July 27th.
Letters of support should reference Docket Number USCG-2020-0188. For more information, contact Jerry Rombach at 907-398-6210, or via email at