Pre-winter meeting held in Seward

Staff accompanied Board President Gary Fandrei and Board Secretary/Treasurer Deric Marcorelle to the annual Pre-Winter meeting in Seward October 26th and 27th.

Man training on a ship simulator
CIRCAC Board President Gary Fandrei gets some tips from Director of Operations Steve ‘Vinnie’ Catalano on the training simulator at AVTEC. (Photo: Shaylon Cochran)

Director of Operations Steve “Vinnie” Catalano provided an update on CIRCAC’s work expanding and deploying the Cook Inlet Ice Camera Network. The network, which is a long term and ongoing project involving industry partners and other agencies, provides valuable real time data not only for operators in the Inlet, but ice forecasters as well.

As guests to the meeting, we were also offered an opportunity to experience the training simulators at the Alaska Vocational Technical Center (AVTEC) that industry professionals also use to hone skills and develop best practice strategies for the challenging conditions that are often present for tankers and other vessels in Cook Inlet.