CIRCAC recertified to 2017
August 24, 2016—Kenai, AK–The U.S. Coast Guard has approved recertification for the Cook Inlet Regional Citizens Advisory Council (CIRCAC) for the 24th consecutive year without exception. Each year, CIRCAC must be approved by the U.S. Coast Guard in order to continue operations as the federally mandated regional citizens’ advisory council for Cook Inlet. The U.S. Coast Guard notified CIRCAC of its decision by letter dated August 19, from Rear Admiral M. F. McAllister of the U.S. Coast Guard Seventeenth District.
CIRCAC consists of a 13-member Board of Directors representing stakeholders including Alaska Natives, environmental, recreational, tourism and commercial fishing groups, aquaculture associations, as well the Municipality of Anchorage, Cities of Kenai, Seldovia, Homer and Kodiak, and Kodiak Island and Kenai Peninsula Boroughs. CIRCAC’s office is located in Kenai.
“CIRCAC benefits from strong partnerships, an informed citizenry, and engaged stakeholders,” said Executive Director Mike Munger. “We work closely with industry, state, federal and non-governmental agencies to create projects that benefit the entire Cook Inlet community and our areas of concern. We owe our enduring success to this broad base of support.”
CIRCAC is a federally mandated citizens’ organization, formed under the Federal Oil Pollution Act of 1990 (OPA90). Its mission is to represent the citizens of Cook Inlet in promoting environmentally safe marine transportation and oil facility operations in Cook Inlet. In pursuing this mandate, the Council strives to help protect the environment, fisheries, economic vitality, cultural resources and recreational interests of Cook Inlet. In 2015, the organization celebrated its 25th Anniversary since creation under OPA 90 as a citizens’ representative.