When a Unified Command is activated for an oil spill response, Cook Inlet RCAC staff participates within the Incident Command System (ICS) as a conduit for its stakeholders to bring forth concerns, deliver information, or share local knowledge about the region; and to promote Cook Inlet RCAC projects that can add valuable assistance to the response, such as the Cook Inlet Response Tool (CIRT), which incorporates high resolution imagery collected through the Alaska ShoreZone Project with data from the Alaska Ocean Observing System. In addition to posting current information, we update stakeholder organizations directly and through their representatives on the Council with regular news releases, through social media, and via public meetings and news conferences. We also direct the public to additional information posted online by the Unified Command (consisting of the Responsible Party and Federal and State On Scene Coordinators).
Throughout the year, Cook Inlet RCAC staff participates in oil spill training exercises and drills required under state and federal regulations for the following Cook Inlet producers and explorers:
- Hilcorp Alaska
- BlueCrest Energy
- Furie Operating Alaska
- Glacier Oil
- Marathon Petroleum Corporation, (formerly Andeavor)