Disclaimer: The following is a compilation of comments and requests for additional information submitted by CIRCAC to the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation regarding various Oil Discharge Prevention and Contingency Plans (ODPCP) for each of the Cook Inlet Crude Oil Producers. Under Title 18 of the Alaska Administrative Code section 75 (18 AAC 75). ODPCP’s or C-Plans follow a scheduled full review that allows public review and comment on a five-year cycle. C-Plans are also open to public review and comment whenever changes or amendments are proposed by the plan holder; unless the amendment is a routine plan update or otherwise does not diminish the plan holder’s ability to respond to an oil discharge. For additional information regarding ODPCP’s or comments and requests provided by other organizations, contact the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation, at (907) 269-7680. Visit our Library for other comments submitted under our Technical Review Program and through the Protocol Control Committee.


  • 3.1.24 Request for Information on the Coast Guard Implementation of a Western Alaska Oil Spill Planning Criteria Program [Docket No. USCG-2023-0824]


  • 6.27.23 Comments on “Request for Information on Coast Guard Vessel Response Plan and
    Maritime Oil-Spill Response Plan Advisory Group (MORPAG) Recommendations
    [Docket No. USCG–2022–0702]
  • 6.23 Comments on Alaska Regional Contingency Plan, Version 2, Public Review
  •  5.15.23 Support for SB 137 relating to the refined fuels surcharge 
  • 1.25.23 Comments and Request for Additional Information Regarding BlueCrest Alaska Operating, LLC Hansen Production Facility Oil Discharge and Contingency Plan