Many of Cook Inlet RCAC’s activities are aimed at increasing oil spill prevention measures and, in the event of spilled oil, improving response capabilities to minimize potential environmental effects. Numerous achievements already described elsewhere in this section relate to oil spill prevention and response. Here we highlight several major achievements that improve oil spill response efforts in Cook Inlet:
- Coordinated aspects of the Potential Places of Refuge working group to identify and prioritize potential safe moorage sites for stricken vessels.
- Initiated and sponsored Geographic Response Strategies (GRS) for Cook Inlet, Kenai Peninsula, Alaska Peninsula, and Kodiak areas, as well as harbor-specific plans. The GRS process includes identifying and prioritizing site-specific environmentally or culturally sensitive areas and developing targeted response plans. Developing the plans prior to emergency situations through a rigorous public process and through consensus, enhances the effectiveness of response efforts.
- Developed a Geographic Response Information Network (GRIN), which is a web-based database that compiles logistical information relevant to oil spill response in coastal Alaska. GRIN provides geographic data that can be queried and displayed by region or individual communities.
- Created Alaska Oil Spill Response Permits, Forms, and Applications project that improves response time during spills by clarifying the permitting processes, allowing more efficient and accurate tracking of permits during emergency situations.
- Developed marine fire fighting manual for Cook Inlet area and Kodiak that identified capabilities, means, and methods for activating fire fighting resources for vessel and dock facility fires.