BOEM grant will help streamline contaminant data in Cook Inlet
CIRCAC is finalizing work to secure a three-year grant from the Bureau of Ocean and Energy Management (BOEM) to study contaminates in Cook Inlet. The $325,000 grant will fund work that analyzes and evaluates current contaminate data sets and study methods, identifies Environmental Protection Agency priority pollutants and other hydrocarbons and metals and compile a comprehensive list of potential contaminate sources in Cook Inlet among other work.
Previous Cook Inlet contaminate studies used their own particular methods. Through this grant, a meta-analysis of those studies can be conducted to benefit scientists, managers and decision-makers with information regarding regional trends and future needs for sampling and monitoring.
With contaminant data gathered and analyzed, a comparison will be drawn against Federal and State regulatory or other scientific threshold levels before recommendations are made on a new study approach for baseline contaminate conditions in Cook Inlet and would enhance monitoring of contaminants in areas potentially impacted by oil and gas activities.