CIRCAC recertified to 2016
August 31, 2015—Kenai, AK—The Cook Inlet Regional Citizens Advisory Council (CIRCAC) has been recertified by the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG). Rear Admiral D. B. Abel, Commander, Seventeenth Coast Guard District, notified CIRCAC of its recertification in a letter dated August 20. CIRCAC, now celebrating its 25th anniversary, was first certified in 1991 a year after its creation. The certification process is conducted annually by the USCG to ensure that CIRCAC is fulfilling its responsibilities as a federally mandated citizens advisory council.
“We pay a tremendous amount of attention to conducting our activities according to our mandates under the Oil Pollution Act of 1990. In our 25 years of existence, CIRCAC has earned the annual recertification without any exceptions, a clear indication that we are accomplishing our work as Congress intended,” said CIRCAC Executive Director Mike Munger. “I am proud of that accomplishment. It is a positive reflection of our committed volunteer board and committee members and dedicated staff.”
Since 1990, CIRCAC has taken the lead in developing and initiating projects to reduce the risks of a catastrophic oil spill in Cook Inlet. Among its most notable accomplishments, CIRCAC:
Led the efforts to complete the first comprehensive Navigation Risk Assessment for Cook Inlet
- Developed Geographic Response Strategies (GRS) which led to a state-wide program
- Conducted extensive analyses of sediment and tissue samples to assess potential impacts of industry operations
- Led Alaska portion of National Coastal Assessment for southcentral Alaska
- Introduced ShoreZone Mapping system for Alaska
- Developed Cook Inlet Spill Response Tool to aid in oil spill response
- Created ice camera network to provide real-time, remotely accessed imagery of ice conditions for ice forecasters
CIRCAC is a Federally-mandated citizens’ organization, formed under the Federal Oil Pollution Act of 1990 (OPA90). Its mission is to represent the citizens of Cook Inlet in promoting environmentally safe marine transportation and oil facility operations in Cook Inlet. In pursuing this mandate, the Council strives to help protect the environment, fisheries, economic vitality, cultural resources and recreational interests of Cook Inlet.
For more information about this announcement, or CIRCAC and its programs, contact:
Lynda Giguere, Director of Public Outreach
907-398- 6205,